Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sunday March 1 Mark 1:9-15

Good afternoon to all. I had a great break last week. It seems spring is trying to come.


The text for sun is Mark 1:9-15


V9 Jesus is up in the Galilee when he comes south to John at the Jordan to be baptized. Jesus doesn’t need baptism for the forgiveness of sins but to identify Himself with the New Age  that His Father is about to introduce in and through Him. Jesus is the new Son of God. As the Old Son of God, Israel, passed through the waters of the Red Sea and the River Jordan so now must the new Son of God pass through water- the water of John’s baptism.


V10 When He comes up out of the water He sees the heavens torn apart and the Sprit descending like a dove on Him. The rabbis spoke of the dove as a symbol of the nation of Israel. Hosea 7:11, 9:11 and 11:11. It now hovers over the new Son of God. In Isaiah 64:1 the prophet cries out “oh that God would tear the heavens and come down”. Now He has.


V11 Jesus is anointed into office by a voice from heaven by the statement: “You are my Son the Beloved” from a coronation Psalm spoken when a Davidic king was being enthroned. Psalm 2:7 Beloved also meant David in Hebrew. “with you I am well pleased.” From Isaiah 42:1-4, one of Isaiah’s servant songs. The meaning is Jesus will be a king and a servant, a king who came to serve.


The location of this baptism is the same place where Israel crossed the Jordan to enter into the land and where Elijah gave Elisha his mantle (cloak) before Elijah was taken up to God in a whirl wind. The transfer of the cloak was a transfer of power.


V12 After His baptism the new Israel, the new Son of God is led into the wilderness to tempted by Satan. Marks temptation narrative consists of only three words “tempted by Satan”. The other gospels have much longer texts about the temptation and end their narratives with a reference to Satan departing. Mark makes no such statement. Why? Because Satan never left Him. All through Mark’s gospel Jesus is confronting and dealing with Satan. He is in the wilderness 40 days because Israel had wandered in the wilderness 40 years. He is with the wild beasts but note they are not attacking him. Isaiah 11:6-9 and 65:25 said when the Messianic age broke in animals would live together in peace. They would not harm one another or humanity. The angels are waiting on Him. According to the rabbis of Jesus’ day the first fall into sin took place when some of the angels refused to honor Adam and Eve. But now the angels are serving and honoring the New Adam, the true Son of God.


V14 John is arrested by Herod. Jesus returns to Galilee to begin His public ministry. According to Harry Wendt, Jesus begins it by proclaiming a message that would have caused many Jewish hearts to beat wildly with excitement: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has Come; repent, and believe in the good news.” V15 The message might be summarized as follows:


The age that you and your ancestors have longed for has finally arrived – in Me. Your dreams are about to be fulfilled. The kingdom of god has broken into history! Change your whole way of thinking and living. Rejoice! Embrace the good news of The Messianic Age in all that you believe, think, say and do.


In declaring this Jesus was doing something that was politically dangerous. To announce a new kingdom was to challenge the power of the Herods and Rome. This may have been why He was in the Galilee, to be far away from Jerusalem. Phillip ruled on the other side of the Sea of Galilee so if things got too bad Jesus could slip into his territory for awhile.


Peace be upon you.


  1. I love the look of the site. You guys did a great job! How fun is this?!

  2. I hope it inspires great conversation! There have to be "bloggers" out there at CoG and in the community. If you want to read the Bible text online at the same time as Kim's study, visit There you can look it up!

  3. Kim,

    Thanks for your devotion and your time that you give to this! I love it! Thanks Sue for getting this up and running!

    Pastor Reggie
