Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sunday August 9, 2009 John 6:35, 41-51

Welcome, Our text continues on for this Sunday. Jesus has spoken to them and told them he is the bread of life in verse 35. Whoever believes in him will never be spiritually hungry.

V41 The people began to complain about him. The wilderness wanderers had complained too about the manna and this is reminiscent of that earlier time. They didn’t understand his teaching and they wanted a quick fix, just keep feeding us real bread and we’ll be happy.

V42 In their murmuring they comment on the fact that he isn’t anyone special just the son of Mary and Joseph. They “know” who he is. Why is he claiming to have come from heaven?

V43-44 Jesus tells them to stop their complaining and continues to tell them that they really don’t know God. Their idea is misguided and they are resisting being drawn to God.

V45 Jesus makes a reference to the prophets who had claimed God would teach everyone. Everyone would receive the divine teaching he was offering and this had been foretold by the prophets.

V46 Jesus states that those in relationship with the Father will recognize him (Jesus) and those who don’t recognize Jesus won’t recognize the Father either.

V47 Whoever believes in Jesus will have eternal life. What is eternal life? Is it trying to get into heaven after we die so we can live forever? I think that is how most people understand eternal life but the reality is that we have eternal life here and now. We are to live life now as we will eternally. “As the brothers and sisters of Jesus we have already been given the ‘divine passport’ that declares them to be citizens of heaven.” (Harry Wendt)

V48-49 He again states that he is the bread of life – the spiritual food of life. Their ancestors had eaten actual bread in the wilderness and had died. This bread in the wilderness had not kept them faithful to God.

V50 He is the Spiritual bread that God has sent to teach the people how to live now as well as in the future (eternal) life.

V51 He is as essential for eternal life as actual bread is essential for physical life. To eat his flesh is to absorb his entire way of living and being. Jesus is not talking about cannibalism but rather we are to look to him for direction on how we are to live our lives. He was, and is, the great example of a life lived out correctly before God.

Remember a few years ago when the WWJD bracelets were all the rage? I think that rather than trying to figure out what he would do we should live as he lived. HWJL = how would Jesus live. If we follow his example of living we will know what to do.

Next week I will be on vacation and will resume the following week.


  1. Great idea about the bracelets! Have fun on your vacation!

  2. Thanks, I'll be at the lake for the week. My brother is coming from Kentucky to visit.
