Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sunday July 18, 2010 Luke 10:38-42

Greetings, it seems as if we are in for a stormy day with the heat and humidity. I had a nice vacation last week at the lake and have been playing catch up this week. Our text for Sunday again comes from Luke. This is still a part of Luke’s travel narrative that has Jesus traveling from Galilee to Jerusalem and his crucifixion.

V38 Jesus enters the home of a woman named Martha. We know from the other gospels that Martha, Mary and Lazarus were close friends of Jesus but we don’t know the extent of their relationship in this story. Martha welcomed him into their home. Hospitality was the pinnacle of their society. To welcome someone in meant that a bond of family was established. The host would provide for the needs of the guest from their finest things, the best accommodations, the best food etc.

V39 Her sister Mary “sat at the Lords feet”. This was outrageous in this culture. This meant that Mary was in the men’s section of the house. Houses were divided into male and female sections that were kept separate. For a woman to be in the men’s area was scandalous. To sit at the feet of Jesus meant that Mary was asking to become a disciple of Jesus, to learn from him and eventually go out and teach. Women didn’t do this! Rabbis didn’t have women disciples.

V40 Martha is distracted. We assume it is because she has been left to make all of the preparations for the visitors, which could be inconvenient for her but something else is eating at her. Her unmarried sister is breaking social taboos by sitting with the men; she has abandoned her traditional role. If word of this gets out into the village, the family will be shamed in a culture where honor is everything. Her sister will lose all prospects of marriage. So Martha devises a comment to come to Jesus with so he will send Mary back to the women’s area and hopefully no one with notice what has happened. The traditional rolls will be resumed by the women and reestablished for both men and women.

V41 Jesus, however, sees Martha’s inner turmoil and replies that he knows her concerns and distractions. He understands how this may look to outsiders but that doesn’t matter.

V42 Mary has chosen the one thing that matters, to be a disciple of Jesus and continue his teaching. Jesus has accepted her as a disciple by allowing her to sit at his feet while teaching. Mary, at risk to herself and reputation, has boldly stepped out of the social norms to chart a new path and Jesus has affirmed that decision. She has chosen the better “portion” and it isn’t food. It is the hunger of God’s word and Jesus will not stop her from seeking it.

In this story Jesus is challenging and changing the roles of men and women. He is tearing down barriers between sexes and treating all the same. If they hunger for the teachings of God they will be accepted. Since women were considered lower in this patriarchal society then men, Jesus is elevating the status of women. As you read through the gospels Jesus always is elevating the people considered the lowest in the society. If Jesus elevates people, and his message is from God, aren’t we called to do the same? Instead of oppressing groups of people aren’t we called to lift them up and give them worth? Are we scared that if we do so we will lose our position in society and maybe fall a rank or two? What if we become the minority instead of the majority? What if we lose some of our status? What if this means we lose our control over things? Isn’t this the real underlying fear for us – If we are not in control things won’t go our way? We fight so to be in control that we ignore the one who is really in control – God. When we are so focused on controlling everything around us, we miss the gifts that God wants to give us, eternal rest in him. What’s that old saying that circulated a while ago – Let go and let God. Martha got to hear this from God’s only Son. “Martha let go and let God act in your life.”

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