Friday, November 19, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010 Luke 23:33-43

Welcome, This Sunday is called Christ the King Sunday. The text readings illustrate to us that Jesus was the Messiah they had waited for. He was the Jewish King but most of the people missed it. The people at the foot of the cross in the crucifixion scene in our text for Sunday face a pivotal question: Was Jesus the Messiah? The leaders and Romans mock Him with the title but was it ironically true? We had "breaking" news this week with the announcement that Prince William was finally engaged. If succession happens in England Prince William will one day be King. Many people will tune in to watch this unfold - where will the wedding be held, who will design the dress and all of the other things that accompany a royal wedding. What if we treated Jesus, our King, that way? What if we watched and clamered over his every move? What if we just couldn't get enough of him? We spend more time watching and wondering about an earthly king to be than we spend on the True King.
Another pivotal event will happen in the sports world on Sunday - the Vikings will play the Packers. The dome will be packed with people wearing their team colors and cheering. It's a wild time, I've been there. But, what if we treated worship of God like we treat worship of the football team? Would we pay several hundred dollars a seat, for the good seats, to worship Him? Would we pay 20-30 dollars just to park our cars? Would we come early just to partake of the excitment? Would we be riveted to our seats for the sermon like we are when the game is close? What if we cheered wildly when prayer was made? Would we give as much in the offering plate as we spend on food and beer during the game? I have sat in the dome during a game and wondered just those things on a Sunday morning.
Don't get me wrong I enjoy watching the preparation for a royal wedding and I enjoy attending a Vikings game (if they are winning at all) but I too get caught up in the worldly events and become more excited about them than I do about how God is working in this world. I encourage you to think about this - who or what do you give your time, commitment and excitement to? Where you spend the most time is where your heart is. Where is your time spent?


  1. Go Twins. I was thinking about this same thing last Sunday during Pastor Bruce's sermon. I am asking myself, "Do I get it?"

    Christ the King Sunday also marks the end of the Christian Year! Next week we begin the Season of Advent!

    Here is another interesting blog for this Sunday:

    Jesus' throne is perhaps equivalent to an electric chair.

  2. Roger, I have thought about that often. Especially as I sit in the dome or ballpark. Next week we start in Matthew. Have a good week and I do hope the Vikings win even though I try not to make that my focus.
