Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sunday April 19 John 20:19-31

Welcome to all. I hope all of you had a nice Easter. My family was at home with my parents and my sister’s family. We had fun at home on the farm we grew up on. Our kids really enjoy visiting there.

Last week I included the first two verses for today so I have also copied them here too.

V19 That same Sunday evening the disciples are locked in a room for fear that they too would be taken away and crucified. Jesus came and stood among them. He did not walk through the wall as a ghost. He was always there; he just transforms his body so they can see it; just as he is always with us. He says “Peace be with you.” reflecting John 14:27. This would have been “Shalom”. It is more than a statement. It is a blessing, a restoration of relationship and a greeting. He didn’t question why did all of you leave me and condemn them (which he had every right to do). Rather, he restored their relationship with him. By saying Shalom he was putting everything right again. This is the first thing he says to them.

V20 He shows them his hands and side. They can see his transformed body still has the signs of crucifixion on it. This is a bodily resurrection, a transformed body, not a “soul” floating around without a body. His example is the first of how we will all be resurrected in this way to dwell with God on the new earth (not somewhere in space). The book of Revelation has the New Jerusalem coming to a restored earth. This is the start of the restoration. The disciples’ rejoicing reflects John 16:22 when they visually saw the Lord.

V21 A second time Jesus says to them “Peace be with you” (Shalom). He will send them as his father sent him. They will perpetuate his work.

V22 He breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit. In Genesis 2:7 God breathed life into man made from the dust of the ground. Adams’ life came from God; theirs will come from Jesus (God). They are the start of the new creation and he gives them life. He is giving them the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament only a few people received the Holy Spirit; now it is available to everyone.

V23 They are to act as his agents in the world. We can say to anyone at any time your sins are forgiven. It doesn’t have to be in a specific place (a church) or at a specific time (during worship). Forgiveness is now available to all, before it was only available in the Temple from God during the sacrifice.

V24-25 Thomas isn’t with them at this time. When the others repeatedly told Thomas what had happened he didn’t believe it. He wanted to see the evidence for himself. This doubting reflects 1:46 (When Nathanael says “what good can come out of Nazareth” meaning Nazareth is so backwoods I doubt anything great will ever come from there.) What the disciples say to Thomas reflects what Mary said to them. His response is no different than that of theirs to Mary.

V26 A week later on the Sabbath the disciples are again all gathered in the house and now Thomas is with them. Jesus again appears. He had again transformed his body as he had been there all along. A third time he says “Peace be with you” (Shalom). Again he is restoring a right relationship with the disciples. Again Jesus is showing grace and compassion.

V27 Instead of blasting Thomas for not believing the other disciples, he gives Thomas the opportunity to do as he had asked; touch Jesus’ hands and side. This shows the great compassion Jesus has with all of us. We are no different than Thomas. We each want our own proof. He has given Thomas eight days to ponder what the other disciples have reported and now he gives Thomas the chance to feel for himself.

V28 Immediately Thomas says “My Lord and my God”. Thomas doesn’t have to touch the evidence anymore; it’s never recorded that he did touch him. This was the greatest of all titles. The most doubting person said the most profound thing as he ties together Lord and God. Go back to John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Thomas’ eyes are now opened. Jesus was the Messiah. He was humanity and divinity (Son of God) combined. Until now Thomas had only seen the humanity. Now he connects it with the divinity. Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God.

V29 Jesus questions Thomas as to his origin of belief. Is it because Thomas has actually seen him? Jesus then blesses those who won’t get the chance to visibly see Jesus but still will believe from the witnessing of the disciples, as Thomas hadn’t. This is stated the same way as the beatitudes in Matthew 5.

V30-31 John states that Jesus performed many signs other than the seven written in this book but these seven signs were written about to convince all of us that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. Just as Martha (in John 11:27) says she believes Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, before he raises her brother Lazarus from the dead, so too are we to believe.

Often we long for a sign to prove there is a God just as Thomas demanded a sign. Are there signs given us but we explain them away? Do we miss them in our busy life? Do we attribute a lot to coincidence? Do you ever write them down so you can return to them and see if there was a pattern? I think we want big miraculous signs all the time but I think we are given little signs that seem insignificant, however if we keep our eyes open we will “see” God at work in our lives and the lives of others. Thomas got to “see” Jesus through vision; we get to “see” Jesus through the eyes of faith.

Peace be upon you, Kim

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