Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sunday April 26 Luke 24:36-48

Welcome to all. It is a beautiful spring day with warmer temperatures on the way. I hope all is well with you and your families.

Our text is from Luke this Sunday. The previous verses describe the story of two disciples leaving Jerusalem and walking to Emmaus. On the way they encounter a fellow traveler who inquires about their conversation. They tell him of the events in Jerusalem, the crucifixion of the one whom they thought was the Messiah, and how that had ended their hopes and dreams. The traveler begins to teach them along the way and by the end of their journey, at a meal they share with him; they discover who he actually was-the Messiah. In their excitement they hurry back to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples what had occurred.

V36 While all the disciples in Jerusalem are gathered together and discussing this event that happened on the way to Emmaus Jesus appears to them and gives a greeting and a blessing “Peace be with you.” He again transforms his “real” body and they can visually see him in the room with them. Where had he been? He was always with them, just unseen.

V37 They are startled, as all of us would be. Imagine if at some point Jesus manifests his presence to a group of us. I think we would react the same way. I might even have to change my clothes.

V38 He doesn’t rebuke them for their unbelief but assures them they are seeing their Lord, risen and alive. How compassionate.

V39-40 He urges them to touch him. He wants them to realize that he has a body that can be felt; it has substance and matter although in a different form than ours. His body is the first example of the bodies we will all have some day. I struggle with this concept. To me you are either real or a ghost but obviously there is more to this world than I know about.

V41 Although they are filled with joy at his presence they are still struggling with the concept that he has some kind of actual body. Jesus asks them for something to eat which would show them that he has a kind of body that can consume food. He is trying to show them the type of body he has.

V42-43 They gave him fish and he ate it in their presence to prove he was a real person. Ghosts usually don’t ask for food to my knowledge.

V44 He then tells them that everything written about him in the Hebrew Scriptures must be fulfilled, meaning He is bringing the Hebrew Scriptures to their intended meaning. It is a radical reinterpretation; but the one his father had in mind from the start.

V45 He explains to them the scriptures so they can understand them; just as he had to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. He explained to them the way the scriptures were intended to be lived out.

V46-48 Jesus explained to them the scriptures about himself and his mission. Repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed to all nations now, not just the Jewish people. The forgiveness of sins doesn’t reside only in the Temple anymore; it is available to all; anywhere and at any time. The whole round earth is now a temple of the living God and each one of us is a living stone in that temple. Sacrifice has been done away with, as it was limited to one location. Sacrifice had been denounced by the prophets for centuries as no sacrifice of any animal can ever put a person right with God. Jesus was the last and final sacrifice ushering in a new way of spiritual worship. Our sacrifice was to now be our own lives in service to him.

V49 Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to them. His death on a cross released him from his bodily presence, like ours, and now he could be everywhere present in a transformed body and in spirit. He told them to wait in the city of Jerusalem until he sent that power to them. (This happened at Pentecost, in the book of Acts)

V50-53 Jesus led them to Bethany on the Mount of Olives and blessed them. He then withdrew from them. He transformed his bodily presence but he did not withdraw from them altogether. He was with them in spirit at all times. This was a way for him to communicate with them that they wouldn’t be visably seeing him again. (“Was carried up to heaven” is not mentioned in all ancient manuscripts. Since heaven was another name for God he entered into the presence of God. He didn’t float up into outer space to a distant location.) The disciples left Bethany and journeyed back to Jerusalem with great joy. They had one final visible teaching lesson in which all had been explained to them from their rabbi. They now understood some of the events during their time with Jesus although it would take their lifetimes to fully understand it all. They continually go to the temple and bless God. They are still Jewish and the teachings of Jesus will take a long time to understand, to them Gods presence was still, kind of, in the temple. Note what the text doesn’t say; it doesn’t mention they were in a church building. Christianity grew out of their understanding and interpretation of their time with Jesus. Our Christianity started as a sect of Judaism in which we worship the Jewish Messiah; because he came for all people so that we may all know the living God.

Shalom, Kim

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