Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sunday May 31, 2009 John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15

Welcome to Pentecost. Pentecost is from the Greek word for “fifty”. It is fifty days after Passover. The Jewish rabbis taught that the events at Mt. Sinai (the giving of the commandments) took place fifty days after leaving Egypt and Pentecost celebrated those events. At Sinai God took up residence among his people Ex. 19:16-18. Our text is in John but we will also look at Acts 2:1-21.

John 15:26, 27 “When the Advocate comes” the Greek word for advocate is Paraclete. In Greek this was some one who would walk beside you and show you the way. Jesus is sending the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can function as a methurgeman (an Aramaic term) which is an interpreter. When the Jewish people came back from exile in Babylon they had forgotten the Hebrew language. The scriptures had to be read in Hebrew but the people didn’t understand that language so an interpreter (a Methurgaman) was used. He stood close by the rabbi reading the text and then interpreted the Hebrew into Aramaic so the people could understand what was being read. Jesus is leaving but he will not leave the disciples alone. He will send the Holy Spirit who will walk beside them interpreting Jesus’ teaching mission for them and clarifying it. The Holy Spirit also is with each of us, taking Jesus’ words and explaining them to us. The disciples are to, with the advocate, testify on Jesus’ behalf.

John 16:4b-7 Jesus is now telling them that he is going away. When he leaves the disciples will be sad. He was with them so didn’t have to prepare them for a future without him but now he must. He is leaving but not leaving them alone. He is sending the Advocate (Paraclete, Methurgaman) to be with them. In this way Jesus will be able to be with all the disciples at all times. Now they are confined to one location – where the bodily Jesus is.

V8-11 The focus is on the Holy Spirit and what he will do for the disciples. In this section the Paraclete, as an attorney, is the focus. He will become a prosecuting attorney.
He will prove the world wrong about Jesus because they didn’t believe in him. He will prove Jesus’ mission was correct because God vindicated him by raising him from the dead. He will expose Satan and his attempts to bring down the world.

V12-15 Jesus has many other things to teach the disciples but to do so would overload them with information. When the Holy Spirit comes he will continue to teach them. He will speak what he hears from Jesus and declare those things to the disciples. This will be an ongoing interpretation of Jesus’ mission. For us the text the Holy Spirit uses is the Bible. As we read and study the Bible the Holy Spirit sits beside us and aids in its interpretation.

Acts 2:1-12 This is the story of Pentecost. When Pentecost came, fifty days after Passover, it was a Jewish festival of thanksgiving for the wheat and barley harvest. It was also called the festival of weeks. It celebrated the giving of the commandments at Mt. Sinai along with thanksgiving for a successful harvest. Passover celebrated the exodus from Egypt and after leaving Egypt they wandered for 40 years in the wilderness. After completing his rescue event (exodus) at Calvary Jesus remained on the earth 40 days before his transformation. The disciples are in the Temple (in Old Testament it was called a house) praying. The morning prayers were at 9AM in the Temple. A violent wind came and filled the Temple. Divided tongues of fire appear on each person there. In the book of Exodus when the law was given to Moses at Sinai thunder rumbled and flames broke out. Now there is noise and flames on each person. The presence of fire on the alter was associated with the presence of God. Now each person has a tongue of fire; each is an alter with the presence of God in the form of the Holy Spirit. This is a renewed Sinai, a renewed Israel. Gods’ law is being engraved on human hearts not tablets. A new age has come and the old covenant of the law is superseded by a new covenant of grace poured out on all. A fulfillment of Jeremiah 31:31-33. All of the people there were Jews; the Gentiles didn’t receive the Holy Spirit until Acts 10. They all speak in different languages (not in tongues) which were understandable to all the people present. Many Jewish people lived in other countries since the Diaspora (the exile in Babylon) and spoke various languages. Now they can each understand in their own language. A symbolic reversal of the tower of Babel where God confused their languages. Others laugh and claim they are drunk but remember it is 9 AM. Peter stood up and gave a speech based on the prophet Joel, Peter who had denied knowing Jesus three times is now empowered to speak on his behalf and explain it. The Holy Spirit was now walking beside him and giving him knowledge to speak.

Peace Kim

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