Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sunday June 7, 2009 John 3:1-17

Good afternoon to all. Our text for Sunday is still in the book of John. It contains that famous verse that we see at sports stadiums during sporting events. John 3:16. It’s usually draped over the second deck railing. We are exposed to it but what does it mean?

V1 Nicodemus is a member of the group of Pharisees who were charged with helping people to keep the Jewish law. Unfortunately this movement had shifted from a help to the people when they returned from Babylon, as they had become unfamiliar with the law, to a legalistic group who were now pointing out all the wrong doings of the people. He is also a member of the Sanhedrin, the group of 70 “supreme court” judges that ran the Temple. See 7:50. This is a very prominent man in the Jewish society. He is aware of Jesus and what he is teaching and has started questioning himself and Jesus so he seeks more information.

V2 He comes at night. Why? Two themes come together here: 1. Nicodemus comes at night to hide the fact that a prominent member of the temple and Pharisees is actually seeking knowledge from a backwoods teacher who has not attended any rabbinic school and is teaching of his own authority. If seen doing this he would be ridiculed and in deep trouble. 2. Darkness represents the state that Nicodemus is in (ignorance). He doesn’t have the light (understanding) that Jesus brings. He says “we know that …” we means he represents a group of people in the same state as he is – questioning. He further states “that no one can do these signs…” Ancient Jewish literature tells us that God approved a certain rabbi’s teaching by working miracles through him. Nicodemus and others see and hear about the miracles Jesus is performing. They are trying to figure out who Jesus is. He makes a statement but then Jesus continues on with another statement.

V3 Jesus tells him that to enter the kingdom of God people must be born from above. The Greek word is anothen which can mean A. from the beginning or B. again for the second time or C. from above from God. There must be a rebirth from God.

V4 Nicodemus is confused – how can one be reborn physically? He is missing the spirituality of the answer. To him to enter the kingdom was to be born of Abraham. It was genetics that allowed Israel to enter. Jesus is redefining this family – it’s not being born as a descendent of Abraham but being born into a new family of God.

V5-6 Jesus responds about the need for being born of the water and Spirit. Nicodemus should have understood this as he knows that the ruah (Heb. for spirit, wind or breath) was given by God and responsible for natural life. In Genesis 2:7 God gave man ruah – breath, spirit. Now the Spirit is given as a new form of life. Ezek 36:25-26 also spoke of this.

V7-8 Nicodemus is still confused so Jesus gives another example. In Hebrew the word ruah meant wind, spirit or breath; in Greek the word was pneuma. Jesus says you see the effects of the wind (spirit) but you don’t actually see wind. You see branches blow, dirt blow and hear it but you don’t see wind itself. So it is with every one born of the Spirit. You don’t actually see the spirit but rather the effects of it in people’s lives. Ezekiel spoke of this in 18:31 Jesus is also using a play on words to describe this – Spirit/wind.

V9-10 Nicodemus still questions Jesus and Jesus responds that Nicodemus should know these things as he is a teacher. He has spent his lifetime learning, probably with some of the best teachers, yet he is confused.

V11 Jesus states that he speaks of that which he knows but they, Nicodemus’ group, won’t listen to or believe him.

V12 If Nicodemus doesn’t understand earthly things – what he should have known as a teacher of the people - how will he be able to understand heavenly things that Jesus teaches from God?

V13-15 Just as Moses lifted up a serpent on a pole in the wilderness for the people to look at when they were bitten by snakes and be healed (Numbers 21:9) so will the Son of Man (Dan 7 – the true people of Israel, now used by Jesus to show them he is now the true people of Israel and not the nation of Israel) be lifted up, on a cross, so that we can look at him and be healed from Satan bites to have eternal life. We have eternal life now. We don’t die, go to heaven and then acquire eternal life. Death is a door we walk through to continue our eternal life in the eternal realm with God. When Jesus is raised up, crucified, then the Spirit will be given.

V16 For God so loved the world that he gave (implies sacrifice) his only son to restore a broken relationship. The crucifixion of Jesus would heal this relationship. By the restoration of this broken relationship we are all able to participate in an eternal life if we follow the servant lifestyle of Jesus. God sent him to give us an example of how to live and to show us the way to eternal life.

V17 God did not send his son to condemn the world, to pronounce judgment on all, but to save the world because of his deep love for us. We don’t read of Jesus condemning people but rather he is fellowshipping with them – even the worst of society, the outcasts and impure – to bring them into the family of God. They and we are being included into the family of God as a brother or sister of Jesus. He is redefining the word family as we and they knew it. It is no longer who you are genetically related to but the acceptance of a divine rebirth, by the Spirit, into the family of God.

So what happened to Nicodemus? Did he go on with his own beliefs or did he ponder and rethink what he had learned? Did he continue to walk in darkness or did he see the light? Turn to John 19:38-42. While Jesus still hung on a cross Nicodemus purchased enough spices, weighing 100 pounds, for the burial of a royal king. People typically were left on a cross after a crucifixion so the dogs and birds could tear at the body and then it was tossed in a communal pit. By doing this and helping Joseph of Arimathea with the dead body, Nicodemus rendered himself unclean and unable to celebrate the Passover. As member of the Sanhedrin, the Jewish “Supreme Court”, he could not partake of the Passover, which was one of the most significant celebrations of the year, because he had touched and anointed the dead body of the man he believed was the King (Messiah) and it was public knowledge. Passover celebrated the exodus (rescue) from bondage in Egypt. Nicodemus celebrated his rescue from Satan (evil) and his rebirth, from the Spirit, into God’s family. What would you do?

Peace, Kim I will be on vacation next week so I will not be writing again until the following week.


  1. Kim, That was amazing so much in so few verses. Thanks for being my interpreter! You are so awesme!
    Kim G

  2. You are welcome. When I'm writing it I feel as if I'm to long winded though. Sometimes I just have to stop writing on a verse and move to the next one. Have a good weekend. Kim
